I have two "friends" on Facebook. And I use the term friend loosely. In any case, one "friend" likes to take photos of the sunrise on her way to work. Then she posts them on Facebook. Ok, whatever. So "friend" number 2 (also known as The Martyr) responds to the photo saying how beautiful it is. "Friend" 1 says the sunrise comes from a beautiful place (read: heaven). The Martyr (TM) agrees and says she is anxious to see this place, but for now, the view from afar is beautiful.
Ok, now really? It's a sunrise. Did you not take the earth science class that I was required to take in junior high? And for the record, I'm totally open to people believing whatever they want to believe. Just don't push that shit on me. Don't tell me you're praying for me as if I'm some heathen who will be bound to eternal damnation just because I didn't recognize the work of Jesus in the sunrise.
So in response, I took this photo from my office window this morning. See the cross? Yeah, that's Jesus giving me a sign.

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